Lynda Roberts
…you really understand the fundamental core of our teachings and how real transformation can occur for people through this work.
Don Riso and Russ Hudson—2008
2005-2006: Completed Enneagram trainings required for Riso-Hudson Certification (Part I, Part II, Part III, Psychic Structures); facilitated my first Enneagram workshop with a friend and colleague
2007: Completed and submitted essays and teaching video requirements for Riso-Hudson Certification; Completed trainings required for Riso-Hudson Authorized Workshop Certification
2008: Received RIso-Hudson Enneagram Teacher Certification With Honors and Certification as a Riso-Hudson Authorized Workshop Teacher; invited to join the Riso-Hudson Faculty Training Program
2008-2010: Attended "faulty training sessions" with Don Riso at The Barn; attended all Part I trainings and gradually participated in teaching them
2011: "Promoted" from Riso-Hudson "Faculty in Training" to "Faculty Member"; joined the Board of IEA Global
2011-2016: Co-taught Riso-Hudson Part I Trainings; taught Riso-Hudson Authorized Workshops; working with Don, completed the Inner Critic (Psychic Structures) teaching PowerPoint slide deck and materials; co-taught Riso-Hudson Inner Critic (Psychic Structures) Workshops (2012-2016); continued on the IEA Global Board and served as President of IEA in 2015-2016
2013-PRESENT: Facilitated Enneagram-based programs for Louisville Gas and Electric/Kentucky Utility ("Personal Awareness and Effective Leadership (PAEL); Enneagram I, Enneagram II; developed and rolling out Enneagram III in 2020);
2019: Co-developed an Enneagram Applications Certification Program; co-facilitated first two cohorts; received IEA Accreditation for our training program
2020: Continuing to co-facilitate the Enneagram Applications Certification Program